India follows in Israel's footsteps

This is the scene of the visit of the Indian Prime Minister to Israel, who was given full protocol in Tel Aviv. At the end of the visit, the two Prime Ministers held a joint press conference. In which the words of the Israeli Prime Minister are very important. He said a few sentences in his speech. These words were in fact the beginning of making Kashmir another Palestine. The Israeli Prime Minister said that India and Israel are changing their world and perhaps both countries are changing parts of the world. Because it is an example of cooperation between the two countries. The foundation of the relationship between the two countries has probably been written by the scribe of destiny from day one, which we are completing in the world. This statement of the Israeli Prime Minister was not given much importance by the foreign affairs officials of Pakistan at that time. But on August 5 last year, the Indian government's actions made the statement a reality. Now the question arises, h...