The Taliban In Afghanistan: Why Has The United States Lost So Many Wars Since World War II?

After the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, an attempt is being made to find out why the world's most powerful country, which has the latest army, state-of-the-art technology and state-of-the-art air force, could not defeat the Taliban. American intellectuals wonder why the United States cannot win wars in modern times. The question is also whether the withdrawal of US troops will end US involvement in Afghanistan, especially at a time when China and Russia have increasingly established ties with the Taliban. In defense of the United States, some argue that the United States has had many successes in Afghanistan and Iraq. Tom Cassidy, a professor at the University of Chicago, says: "The US military has found Osama bin Laden and killed him, destroyed al Qaeda, and many of its leaders have been killed or captured. "Infrastructure has been developed in Afghanistan, schools have been opened for women's education. An educated middle class emerged. Dangerous terrorists such a...