Race of Corona Virus Vaccine | Where Does the World Stand Now?

Vaccines against the corona virus are being developed around the world, and medical experts are currently developing more than 125 vaccines that could potentially be used to prevent a global epidemic.

According to the New York Times, it usually takes years of research and testing to develop a vaccine, after which it is used, but scientists hope to find a safe and effective vaccine against corona by next year. Will succeed in creating.

The New York Times has published a report on vaccines that are currently being tested in humans

There are three stages before any vaccine can be declared usable, but in some projects the initial stages have been combined in the current situation so, that the vaccine can be developed as soon as possible.

Some vaccines to prevent corona virus are currently in the first and second phase trials, where they are being tested on hundreds of people.

The vaccine is usually tested on mice and monkeys in stages from laboratory preparation to clinical trials and their immune systems are tested.

Similarly, as a safe trial in the first stage, the vaccine is given to a limited number of people in small doses and it is seen whether it is strengthening their immune system.

In the second phase, the vaccine trials are extended to hundreds of people and divided into different groups, such as children and the elderly, to see if the vaccine is available at different ages. Has different effects on people.

These trials also show that the vaccine is safe and that it stimulates the immune system.
In the third phase of trials, scientists vaccinate thousands of people to see how many of them are affected and to compare the condition of those who have been given the drugs.

These third-stage trials look at whether the vaccine protects against a specific epidemic. 

Drug approval agencies or departments in each country review these trials and then decide whether to issue a general sales license for the vaccine.

According to the report, five projects have been selected for vaccine development under the US government's War Speed ​​program to raise billions of dollars from federal funding. 

According to the New York Times, work on the project began in January to understand the SARS code-to-genome. Vaccine trials for humans under the project began in March, but the way forward remains uncertain.

According to the report, some of these trials will fail and some will be terminated without any result, but some of them will be successful enough to produce powerful antibodies against the virus in the human immune system.

Under the WARP program, the Moderna company tested eight people in the first phase in May, to which the experts did not respond well. The US company is now monitoring the third phase of trials in July and hopes to develop the vaccine by early 2021.
German pharmaceutical company Baywin Tech has partnered with New York-based Pfizer and Chinese company Fosen Pharma to develop the vaccine. In May, Pfizer announced trials of the vaccine on humans. Pfizer, a company funded by the US WARP program, hopes to be able to make a few million doses of the vaccine by the fall so that it can be used in emergencies, if its trials are successful.

In May, the US company Innovio published a study showing that DNA-based vaccines have produced antibodies in mice. Safety trials for the vaccine are currently being conducted in the United States and will begin in South Korea in late June.

Experts at Imperial College London have developed a vaccine that activates viral proteins in the body to boost the immune system. Trials for the first phase of the vaccine will begin on June 15.


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