France | Blasphemous Sketches & Knife Attack | A Satirical Cartoon Of Turkish President | Europe Wants To Start Crusades Again | Defending Blasphemous Sketches Can Fuel Violence And Bloodshed | France Fight Islamic Extremism Despite Criticism

Knife attack near church in France, 3 killed

At least three people have been confirmed dead in a knife attack in the French city of Nice, according to French police. Nice Mayor Christine Estrosi has called the incident a terrorist act and said one person has been arrested in connection with it. One person was confirmed injured in the attack. Police say one of the dead women was beheaded, while the mayor called it "Islamic fascism." The anti-terrorism agency has launched an investigation into the murder. According to Christine, all the evidence of this attack points to a terrorist attack. The mayor of Nice told reporters that when the suspected assailant was arrested at the scene, he was constantly chanting "Allahu Akbar". The church's caretaker was among those killed, he said. The French interior minister has appealed to citizens to refrain from traveling to the affected area. An emergency meeting of the French Interior Ministry has also been called following the incident. According to reports, a man was taken into custody from near the spot and taken to hospital within ten minutes. The mayor said one of the dead was an employee of the church. People were worshiping inside the building at the time of the attack. Meanwhile, an eyewitness sounded the alarm under special security system in the city and informed everyone.

Earlier, on July 14, 2016, a 31-year-old man rammed his truck into a crowd in Nice, killing 86 people. The incident is considered the biggest terrorist incident in recent French history. Earlier this month, a teacher was assassinated near Paris for showing controversial sketches of the Prophet of Islam. Tensions have risen in France since the beheading, and the French government has decided to crack down on extremist Islamic elements, prompting Turkey and other Muslim countries to raise concerns about the safety of Muslims here. 

Turkish condemnation of Turkish President's satirical cartoon in French magazine

Top Turkish officials have condemned the publication of a satirical cartoon of Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan in the French weekly comedy political magazine Charlie Hebdo, calling it a "disgusting act based on cultural racism and hatred". According to the foreign news agency 'Reuters', after the statement based on the support of French President Emmanuel Macron regarding the publication of blasphemous sketches in France, the Turkish President criticized him and suggested that the French President should undergo a 'mental examination'. However, now after the publication of an insulting cartoon of the Turkish President by the French weekly Charlie Hebdo magazine, there has been a strong reaction from Turkey. "Emmanuel Macron's anti-Muslim agenda is now beginning to bear fruit," said Farhatin Alton, Turkey's director of presidential communications, in a controversial cartoon of Tayyip Erdogan in the magazine.

Europe wants to start crusades again

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said about the growing Islamophobia in Europe and especially in France that Europe wants to start crusades once again. Addressing a meeting of his party Justice and Development Party in Ankara, Erdogan said that he did not like to say anything about those who dared to insult the honor of the Prophet. We are a nation that not only respects our religious values   but also the values   of other religions, but our values   are constantly being targeted. "Freedom of expression is not about blasphemy, we will not back down from our right to do whatever they want," he said. "Europe is now directly targeting our values   and they no longer feel the need to hide their hatred of Islam," he said.

It is noteworthy that in France, hate speech and actions against Islam and Muslims are constantly coming to the fore, while protests have been going on in Muslim countries since the publication and support of insulting sketches by Charlie Hebdo again last month. French products have also been boycotted.

Defending blasphemous sketches can fuel violence and bloodshed," Iran said

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has warned that France's defense of blasphemous and insulting images in honor of the Prophet of Islam could fuel "violence and bloodshed". According to the AFP news agency, in a cabinet meeting broadcast live on Iranian state television on Wednesday, the Iranian president said that insulting the Prophet of Islam was not a success but an immoral and violent act. "Surprisingly, all this is being done by the claimants of democracy and civilization. Unknowingly, but they are fueling bloodshed and violence, ”the Iranian president told a cabinet meeting.

France fight Islamic extremism despite criticism

A spokesman for the French government said his country would continue to fight Islamic extremism despite criticism from Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. According to Arab News, Gabriel Atl said in a statement that "France will not accept the efforts and threats of the Turkish president to destabilize." "France will never abandon its principles and values," he said after a cabinet meeting on Wednesday. He called for a "strong European Union" on France's stance on Islamic violence in the wake of the teacher's assassination. It may be recalled that after the assassination of the teacher, the President of France Emmanuel Mekhwan had said that while protecting the secular traditions of the country, crackdown would be carried out against Islamic fundamentalism.On Tuesday, French Interior Minister Gerald Dermanin said Turkey and Pakistan should not interfere in France's internal affairs. The French interior minister made the remarks on Tuesday after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called for a boycott of French products because of the French president's "anti-Islamic" agenda. Earlier, the Turkish president had questioned the mental state of French President Emmanuel Mekhwan, after which France recalled its ambassador from Turkey. "It is shocking to us that foreign powers are interfering in what is happening in France," he said.


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