US Election 2020 | What Will Be The Major Changes In US Foreign Policy After Trump?

In the recent past, Americans have not seen such a presidential election as they have seen in the recent election, in 2020.

Similarly, the whole world once paid attention to the ongoing political tensions in the United States with this concern, the exchange of bitter statements and the legal battles that were witnessed this time and which kept these elections in turmoil.

In the so-called battlefield states, the slight difference in votes between the two presidential candidates left people tense even a few days after the election.

The American people have voted for Biden in a presidential election that has been hailed as the "most important choice of American life" because of its importance Was being said

Biden's election is a relief to people in the United States and beyond. The key question for the international community right now is whether this new White House incumbent will take US foreign policy back to the pre-Trump era.

In the beginning, Biden will have to deal with local issues. Corona is still in serious shape in the United States. In addition, growing divisions and racial prejudices need to be addressed.

Biden's first task will be to unite the troubled country. "I will carry out my duties as President of the United States," he said after the election. There will be no blue or red states. Only the United States.

The outcome of the US congressional election could also be a challenge, as the Republican majority is already visible in the Senate. Biden will face an anti-government Senate that will add to his woes.

This situation will also hamper Biden's commitment to uniting a divided nation. An article in the New York Times said the election would not address "serious issues" such as the social crisis in the United States, the decline of political culture and the sense of isolation.

The fact that Trump received more votes than in 2016 is a sign that support for Trumpism remains. If Trump continues to play a dynamic political role in the future, it will be another challenge for Biden. That is why internal affairs will require Biden's constant attention.

But it is also important to change the direction of America's relationship with the world. Some people think that foreign policy is something where Biden can operate relatively freely. So what will be the Biden administration's foreign policy? To answer this question, we need to see who will be part of Biden's foreign affairs team, as the choice of individuals will determine the direction of foreign policy.

Biden has extensive experience in foreign affairs. He has long been chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He has also served as Vice President with Barack Obama. For this reason, it is hoped that Biden will take a traditional approach to foreign policy, in contrast to Trump's policies that have harmed the United States globally.

Contrary to Trump's unilateral policy of "America First," Biden is a liberal politician who seeks to restore America's multifaceted identity. He also said during his campaign that Trump's "America First" policy was the result of "America alone" and that he would try to restore America's leadership.

Overall, under Biden's presidency, we have seen the return of a balanced foreign policy, the reaffirmation of relations with allies, the functioning of the nuclear deal with Iran, the return to the Paris climate agreement, and the renewal of commitments to allies such as NATO. Can see the steps.

One of Biden's top priorities will be to improve America's shattered international reputation, as evidenced by several surveys. A recent Pew Research survey found that America's global reputation is at an all-time low. The poll shows that many of Washington's allies have a negative view of the United States, and of Trump in particular.

Clearly, four years of Trump's destructive policies have had a negative impact on the world and the global system. Because of this, America's reputation has been tarnished and its influence diminished, while its soft power has diminished. Joe Biden will try to change that.

Biden's views on Afghanistan and the withdrawal of US troops from there will not be much different from Trump's. He has been critical of the US military presence in Afghanistan and, as vice president in 2009, opposed increasing the number of US troops in Afghanistan.

In an interview earlier this year, Biden was asked what he would do if the Taliban came to power in Afghanistan. Responding to this, he said that it was not my responsibility. It is my responsibility to protect America's national interests and not to endanger the lives of American men and women in order to resolve every issue by force.

The operation of a nuclear deal with Iran would be a clear departure from Trump's policies. Biden has repeatedly said that if Iran agrees to abide by the nuclear deal and work with other partners to strengthen it, it will reactivate the deal. Biden believes this could help maintain American supremacy.

However, given Biden's criticism of Saudi Arabia, the question remains as to what Biden's policy will be in the region. As far as Israel is concerned, the United States has been pursuing the same policy towards Israel and will continue to support Israel under this policy.

The biggest challenge to US foreign policy will be US-China relations. This is an issue whose impact will not be limited to these two countries. Trump had turned relations with China into a bitter feud because of his confrontational policy. Due to anti-China views in the United States, it is possible that Biden will also adopt a strict policy in this regard.

But unlike Trump, Biden will pursue a less aggressive policy, limiting China as well as seeking to work together on global issues such as climate change.

Speaking of China, it would also like to get Biden's attention to improving its relations with the United States. The Chinese deputy foreign minister recently expressed hope that the new US leadership would work with China and the two countries would focus on co-operating to resolve differences.

The biggest difference between Trump's foreign policy and the new US foreign policy will be the inclusion of balance and stability. However, the internal front will be the focus of the new president's attention as the intensity of internal differences has left the country out of control. No American president has led a more besieged nation since the war, the Financial Times reported.


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