'Black Lives Meter' || 'I can't breathe!'

The American citizen had black skin and was unarmed. The world calls him oppressed, because at the time of his death he was in the custody of a police officer. Completely helpless and he could not run away. Other police officers were also present.

On May 25, 2020, this black, unarmed man was "killed" by a white police officer. His name was George Floyd, who was 'overpowered' by a police officer on a street and then put his knee on his neck. George, 46, could not bear the burden and died.

When the video of the police brutality came to light, people found out that a black man lying in a painful condition on the road and the people there were asking the police officer to reduce the pressure on his neck.

George was saying, 'I can't breathe.' But his voice did not deter the police officer, and George Floyd died.

The last sentence of this black man pushed the Americans towards anger and protest. Seeing this painful scene, Americans and citizens of different countries of the world raised the slogan of 'Black Lives Meter' and denounced the United States, which claims to be a great state and superpower, for this inhuman treatment and injustice. Demanded

This incident in 2020 will be remembered as the worst example of hatred, prejudice, oppression and injustice against black people in the history of the United States.

Although this is not the first time in the United States that a black mob has been killed by mobs or police, it has forced people to rally and take to the streets during the Code 19 epidemic. Among them were white Americans.

Blacks make up 13% of the total American population. Their ancestors were Africans who set foot on this land as slaves. Even today in America, these descendants of slaves are facing the worst problems in terms of housing, education and employment. They face a monster of bigotry and racism against which many organizations are active, but police violence and killings of black immigrants continue.

In 2020, the 'Black Lives Meter' was a major anti-racism movement that mobilized people around the world to protest against the corona virus.

Opponents of racism, discrimination against blacks, and police killings in the United States say centuries-old prejudice and a certain mentality have led to another unarmed and helpless human being. Took his life.

Protests also took place in Australia, Britain, France and the Netherlands, with participants speaking out in favor of racial equality and black Americans, and the Black Lives Meter movement gaining momentum. In the United States, protesters gathered at the scene and repeated George's last words.

This year's election proved that Donald Trump is no longer popular with the American people and will have to leave the White House, but before that he had disappointed and angered the protesters with his harsh and controversial statement.

Donald Trump could not restrain himself from uttering provocative words about immigrants from African and South American countries, which also led to the debate over whether they were racist.

Pro-black demonstrations have taken place in the United States before, but this past year, the death of George Floyd has shaken American society once again, and his last words and call for racism are one. Became a slogan.


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