How Did the Corona Virus Get Started? Authentic Research So Far Has Come To Light

Authoritative research led by the World Health Organization (WHO) on the Corona epidemic, which has affected more than 130 million people worldwide and swallowed up 2.9 million lives, has also been deemed incomplete. The World Health Organization sent a team of health experts from different countries to China earlier this year to find out where and why the corona virus spread. Did the virus develop in the laboratory? The investigation, completed in February by experts in various fields, has now been published in the form of a report. The World Health Organization published the 120-page report on March 29, which provides detailed but concise answers to the possible spread of the corona virus. However, 14 other countries, including the World Health Organization, have raised objections to the study, calling it incomplete and calling for further investigation. According to the Associated Press (AP) , the report published by the World Health Organization did not fully clarify where the coro...